Safety Above All Else – Passing Other Vehicles

Driver Safety Above All Else

At Hasner and Hasner, PA we believe in safety. If you are safe, you can be happy and healthy and focus on the things that matter most to you: your family, your job and what you love to do. Safety is never guaranteed, but Hasner and Hasner, PA supports anything that helps to make us safe.

With this in mind, Hasner and Hasner, PA wants to remind all of you about a new change in the law that is designed to make our police officers, pedestrians and bicyclists safer: the New Jersey Safe Passing law. You can find an informative article on the New Jersey Safe Passing law here:

A summary of the law is as follows: As of March 1, 2023 (very recently), motorists are now REQUIRED, by law, to give 4 feet of space between their vehicles and others on the road who are on foot or who are riding a bicycle. In cases in which giving 4 feet is not possible, “the new law requires drivers to follow all current no-passing, no speeding laws and to move over and to move over a lane, if a lane is available. If sufficient passing space is not available, drivers must slow to 25MPH and be prepared to stop, until they can pass safely” without endangering those sharing the road.

This law seems to mirror the law that went into effect a little over 2 years ago with respect to police officers and emergency vehicles. N.J.S.A. 39:4-92.2 requires all motorists that are passing a police or emergency vehicle that has their flashing or blinking or alternating red and blue lights on to exercise caution and move over 1 lane from the lane adjacent to the emergency vehicle if that is possible. The goal is to give the emergency vehicle plenty of space if they are tending to an emergency on the side of the road or if a police officer is engaged with another motorist and is standing in the roadway. We want to make sure that the officer or ambulance worker can do his or her job and not have to worry about getting clipped by another vehicle.

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer: Hasner and Hasner

At Hasner and Hasner, PA, we do represent those who have been charges with traffic offenses such as the ones here. So, if you are charged with an offense under N.J.S.A. 39:4-92.2 or a violation of the NJ Safe Passing law, please give us a call and we may be able to help you.